
In-house premium finance

In an effort to further improve your customer service experience, we can now finance your commercial insurance premiums with Lendle Premium Finance. The key benefits of having your monthly payments managed in-house are:

Personalized Service

This eliminates any delay’s in the finance process and avoids the need to send request’s to the insurance company waiting for changes to be completed.

Fast and Convenient changes

We understand time is valuable and that is why when changes are needed we make the process fast and simple by speaking directly to the person who will process your request immediately.

Payment Delinquency

In the unlikely event of a missed payment or an unreported change in banking information, we will call you to rectify the matter therefore, avoiding having your policy cancelled or having a non-payment incident on file with the insurance company. When your payments are directly paid to the insurance company there is a likeliness your policy will be cancelled in the event of a missed payment regardless if it was an NSF or change of banking information.

Your Benefits

  • More control over your Finance needs
  • More flexibility
  • Easy to make changes
  • No need to deal with the insurance company on payments
  • Customized plan that meets your needs
  • Less people involved in the finance process

What is commercial premium financing?

Commercial premium financing alleviates a financial burden for business owners by providing a loan that allows them to pay their commercial insurance premiums gradually, over regular intervals, instead of paying a larger sum at one time.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I have to get approved for commercial insurance premium financing?

    No, Lendle Premium Finance provides pre-approved financing to our clients.

  • What do I do if my banking information or address has changed?

    For any changes to your personal information, such as address or banking information, simply contact your Insurance broker and they will immediately make any necessary changes.

  • Does my commercial premium financing continue upon renewal?

    Yes, our contracts contain an automatic renewal provision making it easy to renew your payment plan with nothing to be signed or completed as a revised payment will simply be sent to you.

  • What about credit checks?

    We do not pull any credit checks on our clients as all contracts are pre-approved making premium financing quick and easy.

Contact your Broker for more information

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